May 04, 2023

NEWS: Congressman Jamaal Bowman Response to WJC


“I do strongly support a democratic Israel that is able to thrive with peace and security," said Congressman Jamaal Bowman Ed.D. (NY-16). "A true two-state solution is the pathway towards peace and security for all in the region. The Republican-led resolution makes no mention of a two-state solution. Omitting that critical element, which has been the bedrock of US Israel policy for decades, is the position of the far right wing here and in Israel and undermines, at the worst possible moment, the fight for democracy that Israel is currently engaged in. As for the Abraham Accord bill, while I fully support regional peace between Israel and its neighbors, it cannot be achieved as Donald Trump and Jared Kushner envisioned it in the Abraham Accord bill, by excluding the Palestinians. While I understand there may be disagreement about my view on the Abraham Accord Bill it is not reflective of being unsupportive of Israel's existence – to the contrary it is out of concern for its long term security and the best way to achieve that security. In my view, such security will only come by resolving the conflict directly. Disagreements in how we reach peace shouldn’t be conflated with lack of support for peace or for the independence of Israel.”
